Deed Moses Roberts to Thomas Roberts

Source: Original Document Strafford County Registry of Deeds
Book 1 page 308
Submitted & Donated to this project by Denise Shoo

           Know A ll Men by these present that I Mofes Roberts of Rochester In the county of Strafford and Province of New Hamshpshire Husbandman for and In consideration of the sum of five shillings Lawful Mony of Said Province and for and in consideration of Love good will and affection which I have too bear towards my brother Thomas Roberts to me in hand paid before the Delivery hereof by my Said Brother the Receipt whereof I do hereby ackknowledge have given granted bargained sold and released and by these presents do give grant bargain sell alien Release convey and confirm to him the Said Thomas Roberts his heirs and afsigns forever Two certain tracts or parcels of land situate in Said Rochester the one containing sixty acres more or lefs being one whole share in the first Division in Said Town originally granted to Thomas Roberts Deceafed Numbered three and which is the same tract of land which I purchased of my Said brother as by his Deed Date the twenty fourth Day of May 1773 will appear the other tract containing twenty four acres bounded in the same manner as in Said Deed.
            To Have and To Hold the Said granted premises with the appurtenances thereof to him the Said Thomas Roberts his heirs and afsigns to their proper use benefit and behoof forever I hereby engaging to warrant and Defend the Said granted Premises against all claims or Demands of any person or persons claiming by from or under me In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto let my hand and Seal this Eighth Day of October in the fourteenth Year of his majesty Reign Anno que Domini 1774.
Signed Sealed and delivered }
in Presence of us               }          Mofes Roberts [Seal]
Tho W. Waldron
John Wentworth, Jr.     } Province of New Hampshire Straffords Dover the
} Eighth Day of October 1774 then the above named
Mofes Roberts Personally appearing Acknowledged the above written Instrument to be his Voluntary Act and Deed before me.
        John Wentworth(squiggle), Just Peace for Said County
Rec'd April fourteenth 1775
                Examined by Tho's W Waldron, Recorder