John Whitehouse of Middleton to Amos Whitehouse of Middleton.
Source: Original Document Strafford County Registry of Deeds
Vol 59 Pages 53-55
Submitted to this project by Robert Whitehouse
Know A ll Men by these present that I John Whitehouse of Middleton in the County of Strafford & State of New Hampshire, Yeoman for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars to me in hand before delivery hereof, well & truly paid by Amos Whitehouse of Middleton aforesaid, Yeoman, the receipt whereof I do herby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained, & sold, and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto him the said Amos Whitehouse his heirs and afsigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land situate in Middleton aforesaid, being part of the lot of land numbered twenty nine in the first division of lots in said Town originally & containing thirty acres, said thirty acres lye on the sourtheasterly side of said lot & are to be divided from the residue thereof by a line running parallel with the southeasterly side line of said lot.
To Have and To Hold the said granted premises with the appurtenances thereof to him the said Amos Whitehouse his heirs & afsigns to his & their only proper use & benefit forever; and I the said John Whitehouse for myself my heirs executors & administrators do hereby covenant grant & agree to and with the said Amos Whitehouse his heirs & afsigns, that until the delivery hereof I am the lawful owner of said premises, am seized and possessed thereof in my own right in fee simple and have full power and lawful authority to grant and convey the same in manner aforesaid, that said premises are free and clear of all & every incumbrance whatsoever, and that I my heirs executors & administrators shall & will warrant the same to him the said Amos Whitehouse his heirs and afsigns forever against the lawful claims & demands of any person or persons whomsoever. In witnefs whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal the 11th day of October Anno Domini 1808. ~ The word "said" interlined before signing ~
Signed Sealed and delivered }
in Presence of ~ } John Whitehouse [Seal]
Thomas Tash Jun'r.
Patty Tash ~ } Strafford Fs: Octo~ 15th 1808 Then
} John Whitehouse above named
personally appeared & acknowledged the aforegoing instrument to be his free act & Deed, before
*JP Hale , Jus. Pea
Rec'd October 15th 1808
Ex'd by Jonas C. March, Regr